The Inner Critic’s Comeback Tour
Feb 02, 2025
The Inner Critic’s Comeback Tour: Why She Won’t Stay Quiet & How I Took Back the Mic 🎤
Oh, friends. Buckle up, because today we’re talking about the ultimate party crasher—the inner critic.
Once upon a time, my inner critic was a full-blown tyrant. She had a megaphone and a talent for tearing me down at every turn. But after years of deep inner work, I finally kicked her off the stage and replaced her with my inner cheerleader—the peppy, pom-pom-waving, “you got this!” voice that made life so much better.
But here’s the plot twist…
My inner cheerleader had some outdated programming. She told me I could eat whatever I wanted, skip workouts, and avoid adulting (like paying bills on time—oops). And while she was definitely more fun, she wasn’t exactly leading me to my best life.
When Intuition Says, “It’s Time for a Makeover” ✨
This year, my intuition tapped me on the shoulder and whispered, Structure and organization need to make a comeback.
I panicked. Because the last time I had structure, my inner critic—the Enneagram Type 1, aka the “Perfectionist”—was in charge, and let me tell you, she was a nightmare. Think drill sergeant meets Regina George.
But my intuition reassured me: You’ve done the work. She doesn’t run the show anymore. So, I trusted it.
On January 5th, I walked back into OrangeTheory for the first time in three years. And you know what? For once, I didn’t have my inner critic telling me I was a fraud for being a wellness expert who was out of shape. I just enjoyed moving my body again.
Then, on January 13th, I went all in—I signed up for the Transformation Challenge. Normally, anything remotely competitive sends me into a spiral of self-sabotage (cue my inner “loser” finding an excuse to drop out). But this time? I committed.
I also listened to my intuition and finally tried Isagenix—a nutrition program I had major skepticism about. I usually roll my eyes at anything labeled “science-based” (because, let’s be real, a lot of it is just marketing), but something in me said, Trust this. So, I did.
And Then… the Universe Decided to Test Me
I was crushing it. Five days a week at OrangeTheory. Regular bodywork. Sticking to my plan.
Then BAM—sciatic pain in my left leg.
To make matters worse, I signed up for a 20-hour road trip to help my daughter move back to Arizona—a trip filled with all the emotions as I watched her make choices I desperately wished I could steer her away from.
Oh, and as a cherry on top? I got sick in Vegas. Like, full-body exhaustion, head cold, “hit by a truck” kind of sick.
I came home to an empty house, feeling like I had just gone 12 rounds with a kangaroo. But I was determined not to lose momentum, so I dragged myself back to OrangeTheory.
Big mistake.
My body wasn’t just tired—it was wrecked. And that’s when she came back.
The Inner Critic’s Grand Reappearance 👀
There I was, sweating through my workout, when my inner critic barged into my brain, mic in hand:
💭 “Wow, look how fat you look in that mirror.”
💭 “You worked so hard in January and only lost six pounds? Pathetic.”
💭 “You can’t even do 12 reps? Weak.”
She was ruthless. I tried to shut her up, but she just kept going. I left feeling worse than before—physically exhausted, mentally drained, and so frustrated that I still wasn’t feeling well enough to work with my clients.
Have You Ever Had a Day Where You Just Can’t Shake Your Demons?
I needed a reset. So, I did what I know works.
First, I took a long, hot shower and cried. Because sometimes, you just need to feel it.
Then, I grabbed a pen and let my inner critic have her say—unedited. I wrote down every nasty thing she had been bottling up. Every criticism. Every judgment.
Then, I went to work:
✔ Superconscious Recode – to shift the unconscious blocks keeping me stuck.
✔ Parts Integration – to unite the parts of me that were at war.
✔ Shadow Work – to face and integrate the parts of myself I had been avoiding.
✔ Neurographica – to rewire my nervous system and emotions around my inner critic’s voice.
After a nap, a few uplifting episodes of The Big Door Prize, and a long walk with my dog, I had an aha moment.
The Inner Critic Was Never Gone—She Was Just Suppressed
Here’s the truth: I didn’t heal my inner critic. I just silenced her with apathy.
As long as I didn’t care about my goals—about truly going for it—she had nothing to say. But the moment I got serious about my dreams again? She woke up.
And that’s the thing about the inner critic: She’s not here to destroy us. She’s here because, deep down, we’re afraid of failing.
So, Here’s What I’m Doing Differently 👇
1️⃣ I’m not fighting her. Instead of trying to silence my inner critic, I’m inviting her to the table—as an advisor, not the CEO. She doesn’t get to run the show, but I’ll hear her out.
2️⃣ I’m reframing her words. When she says, “You’re not good enough,” I translate that into: “You’re stepping outside your comfort zone—this is growth.”
3️⃣ I’m leading with intuition, not fear. My intuition has never steered me wrong. My fear? She’s a drama queen. So, I’m choosing to trust what feels right instead of what feels safe.
Your Inner Critic Isn’t Your Enemy—She’s Just Misguided
If your inner critic has been loud lately, take a step back. Ask yourself:
🔹 What is she really afraid of?
🔹 What is she trying to protect you from?
🔹 How can you reframe her words into something empowering?
Because, my friend, you are so much more than the voice in your head. And you get to decide who’s holding the mic. 🎤✨
Now tell me—how does your inner critic show up? And how are you taking back control? Drop a comment below! ⬇💬
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