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Navigating the Storms of Intuition

growth intuition mindset purpose shadow transformation Aug 21, 2024
Navigating the Storms of Intuition

Navigating the Storms of Intuition: A Journey of Growth and Transformation

I wouldn’t call myself an angry person. If you asked me if I’m upset with someone, I’d usually respond by seeing both sides of the situation and reflecting on the lessons I’ve learned. But I’ll be honest—this ability to see the bigger picture didn’t happen overnight. It’s the result of years of personal transformation work and being deeply in tune with my intuition.

Recently, I attended a two-week seminar to become a more powerful presenter. I made the 20-hour drive from my home near Portland, Oregon, to Carlsbad, California. To be honest, I didn’t really want to go. My future self told me I had to, but I resisted.

When my intuition guides me toward something that feels uncomfortable, I sometimes rebel. This time, I decided not to follow through with the intuitive nudges that could’ve made the trip easier. Instead, I fell back into old patterns of self-sabotage and struggle.

Did I realize I was in struggle mode? Not at all. Most of us don’t recognize when we’re creating our own obstacles. We only notice that we’re not achieving our dreams.

Intuition isn’t always gentle and easy. I like to think of it as raising a child. When intuition first enters your life, it can feel like the birth of a child after a long, painful labor—a kind of mid-life crisis. Amid the treacherous pain, you experience the innocence and purity of something new and untethered to the past.

At first, the world feels magical, full of beauty and wonder. The Universe and your Guides show you how powerful you are by effortlessly giving you what you need. It feels safe, nurturing, and supported. But just like with children, intuition goes through different phases.

The toddler years come with storms and boundaries—on both sides. Sometimes, the Universe gives us a “time out” when we stray too far from our soul’s purpose. But eventually, we find our way back to a rhythm, trusting and following the guidance we receive.

Do you remember the excitement of starting kindergarten? You were eager to learn, make friends, and do well. But then came middle school—awkward, confusing, and full of rebellion. That’s what intuition can feel like on your personal awakening journey. The Universe may take away the “snack time” of easy wins and start implementing stronger boundaries.

When things don’t flow as easily, we might feel abandoned or betrayed by our Guides. We think, “Why isn’t the Universe supporting me like it used to?” But just like a teenager testing boundaries, we rebel. We stop following our intuition and decide to do things our own way.

And that’s okay—it’s all part of the process.

Being an entrepreneur often feels like having the Universe as your boss. At first, you’re lured in with big bonuses, support, and clear guidance. Everything feels magical, falling into place with ease. But then, the expectations increase. The money doesn’t flow as easily, and you’re asked to take on more responsibility. You might start to doubt yourself, thinking the Universe has abandoned you. But in reality, it’s just asking you to level up.

Remember Daniel from The Karate Kid? When he was being trained by Mr. Miyagi, all he did was wax cars. It didn’t seem like real training, but it was. In the same way, when you’re “waxing the car,” you may not realize how much growth is happening or how much baggage you’re shedding.

Eventually, you win your first “fight”—you follow through on your intuition, and it gets you exactly where you wanted to be. You start building trust with your Higher Self, and the flow returns.

But just like in life, new challenges will arise, and the cycle begins again. Birth, tantrums, ease, rebellion, and back to flow. Understanding these cycles is crucial for learning to trust your intuition. By recognizing your patterns, you can discern whether your guidance is coming from the past or your Higher Self.

When we clear our baggage, we can fully step into our genius, our purpose, and our higher calling.

So, how are you feeling about the state of the world right now? Does anything make you angry, sad, fearful, or guilty? Or maybe your life is going well, but you feel guilty about your success. Perhaps you have a deep feeling that you’re meant for more, but you can’t imagine how that could be you.

If you have a vision, it’s because your future self knows you’re capable of creating it. By releasing your baggage and leaning into your intuition, you don’t need to know how it will happen—just trust that it will.

But how do you trust this invisible force, especially if you’ve experienced betrayal, hurt, or trauma in the past? The answer lies in shadow work.

Our Shadow is the part of us we don’t want to acknowledge, much like the anger I ignored. It governs a lot of our behaviors and decisions, like a backseat driver giving the wrong directions. By not addressing the Shadow, it doesn’t go away—it just grows stronger, like clutter in a garage. Over time, if we don’t clear it out, it spills into our lives, manifesting as pain or disease in the body.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to address not just the physical symptoms, but the spiritual, mental, and emotional baggage contributing to them? Wouldn’t it be incredible to release your baggage so effectively that you inspire others to do the same? What kind of world could we create if we lived into our intuitive genius rather than recreating the shadow of our past?

Looking back on my journey, I see how it has impacted my children, clients, and relationships. At first, I thought my life was falling apart, but now I realize it was my Higher Self breaking through the negative self-image of my Ego to clear the clutter and make way for a future more beautiful than I could have imagined.

Now, I show up fully present with my family. I support my teenagers with love, grace, and compassion, knowing what it feels like to rebel and not know who you’re supposed to be. The struggle of figuring it all out again at 48, being given responsibilities I didn’t ask for, and realizing I’m more powerful than I thought.

A friend asked me recently if we ever get to the other side of our past, of our trauma. Without hesitation, I said, “Yes.” As long as you keep showing up for yourself. The emotional triggers, unhealthy relationships, and anxiety—they eventually fade. New challenges will come, but you’ll have a toolbox to handle them. You’ll tell your stories without reliving them. You’ll process pain without getting lost in it.

And one day, your Higher Self will wake you up with the most beautiful voice, telling you that today is the day you get to stop “waxing the cars.” Today is the day to step into your purpose, to start living your Dharma, and to stop waiting for permission to be who you came here to be.

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