The Mind Body Connection Blog

The Mind-Body Connection: How Financial Worry Manifests as Physical Pain

abundance low back pain mind body May 31, 2024

In today's fast-paced world, financial worry is a common stressor that many people face. The anxiety over paying bills, managing debt, and ensuring financial stability doesn't just affect our mental state—it can also manifest as physical pain in our bodies. This intricate mind-body connection is a crucial area of interest for mindset coaches and holistic healers, and understanding it can provide significant insights into how we can better manage both our financial stress and physical health.

The Mind-Body Connection

The mind-body connection is the relationship between our thoughts, emotions, and physical state. Research has shown that our mental and emotional health can significantly impact our physical health. Dr. Joe Dispenza, a renowned author and researcher in the field of neuroscience and human potential, often discusses how our thoughts and emotions can influence our physical well-being. He states, “Thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body. How you think and how you feel creates your state of being” .

This concept is particularly relevant when considering chronic pain and its links to emotional stress. For instance, financial stress can lead to chronic pain, particularly in areas like the lower back. This is not merely coincidental; there is a deep-seated connection between our financial worries and physical pain.

Financial Worry and Physical Pain

Financial worry often centers around survival—how we will meet our basic needs, support ourselves, and provide for our families. This kind of stress triggers the body's fight-or-flight response, releasing stress hormones like cortisol. Prolonged exposure to these hormones can lead to muscle tension, inflammation, and chronic pain.

Lower back pain is one of the most common areas where financial stress manifests. According to Dr. John Sarno, a pioneering physician in the field of mind-body medicine, “The unconscious mind perceives the back as a weak spot and directs stress there as a distraction from emotional pain.” This means that our unresolved emotional issues, like financial worry, can manifest as physical pain in our backs.

The Emotional Landscape of Financial Stress

When we worry about finances, we often feel insecure and focused on our limitations. This constant worry creates a negative feedback loop, where our fear of not having enough amplifies our physical pain, which in turn heightens our stress and worry. As Joe Dispenza points out, “Where you place your attention is where you place your energy. If your attention is on the known past or predictable future, you are siphoning energy from the present moment and your body.” This means that by constantly focusing on financial worries, we are inadvertently draining our energy and creating physical symptoms.

Shifting the Mindset

One of the reasons I went into mindset coaching was because I noticed a pattern: many people with chronic pain that we couldn't alleviate through bodywork and other healing modalities often had significant emotional stressors, particularly related to finances. It intrigued me how our emotions played out in physical pain, and I wanted to help people address the root cause of their suffering.

To shift this mindset, it's essential to:

  1. Acknowledge and Understand the Stress: Recognize that your financial worries are real and valid. Understanding that these worries can manifest physically can help you take the first step toward addressing them.
  2. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation: Techniques such as mindfulness and meditation can help reduce stress and improve your focus on the present moment. Joe Dispenza emphasizes the power of meditation in rewiring the brain and creating new, healthier patterns of thought and behavior.
  3. Develop a Positive Mindset: Shift your focus from what you can't do to what you can do. This involves changing your narrative around money and financial security. Focus on abundance and possibilities rather than limitations and scarcity.
  4. Seek Professional Help: Working with an intuitive coach can provide valuable insight into where your block is coming from.  Working with powerful techniques to rewire the unconscious mind, those deeply ingrained patterns of worry and stress can be rewired into a solid peace of mind and create clarity for how to create the financial freedom you desire.


The connection between financial worry and physical pain is a profound reminder of how interconnected our minds and bodies truly are. By understanding and addressing our emotional stressors, we can alleviate physical symptoms and improve our overall well-being. As we shift our mindset from one of fear and limitation to one of possibility and abundance, we can break the cycle of stress and pain, leading to a healthier, more balanced life.

Understanding and embracing the mind-body connection is a journey, but it's one that can lead to profound healing and transformation. By addressing both our emotional and physical health, we can create a more harmonious and fulfilling life, free from the chains of financial worry and chronic pain.

If you are interested in shifting your scarcity mindset to an abundant mindset so that you can manifest financial freedom with ease, join Tabitha for her new Beta Launch on Cultivating an Abundance Mindset. 

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