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Breast Cancer Awareness: Healing the Mind, Body, and Soul

cancer healing mind body pain Sep 30, 2024
breast cancer healing

Breast Cancer Awareness: Healing the Mind, Body, and Soul

One thing I feel passionately about—among many things—is helping people who are struggling with medical trauma. Having worked in the wellness industry for over 20 years, I have seen countless individuals impacted by medical emergencies: car accidents, head injuries, falls, and most notably, cancer. What nobody prepares you for is the aftermath—the emotional and physical trauma that lingers long after the initial diagnosis and treatment are over.

As we bring awareness to breast cancer this October, I am reminded of Ellen Hatzi. Ellen was one of my favorite people on the planet, a true fighter. Diagnosed with breast cancer, she was initially given just six months to live. She thrived for six years. I was blessed to have been a significant part of her journey, and I often reflect on how deeply she impacted my life—perhaps even more than I impacted hers.

It’s a special and unique journey to walk alongside someone in the last phases of their life, to be part of their team as they prolong their time and transition in as much comfort as possible. When Ellen called me in April 2019, she told me it was time. I had just experienced my own trauma—our neighborhood was destroyed by a fire, and my own mother was about to undergo surgery for her breast cancer diagnosis. But nothing mattered more to me than being with Ellen that week, easing her pain.

Even amid the chaos of my life, helping Ellen brought me a sense of peace. It reminded me that healing is about more than physical recovery—it’s about emotional healing too.

This month, in honor of all the women and men who are currently in the fight, who have come through it, and those still battling the fear of recurrence, I am offering two heartfelt specials that can support your journey of healing.

Understanding the Mind-Body Connection in Breast Cancer

Breast cancer takes a toll not only on the body but on the mind and emotions. The fear of recurrence is very real for survivors. Research has shown that medical trauma, such as cancer, can lead to chronic stress, depression, and anxiety, all of which negatively impact your quality of life. This is where integrative therapies can play a pivotal role in helping survivors heal beyond the physical.

Mind-Body Healing and Cancer

A growing body of research supports the benefits of massage therapy for cancer patients. Studies show that massage can reduce pain, anxiety, depression, and nausea in cancer patients. It also has been shown to improve sleep and overall quality of life by lowering cortisol levels, a hormone related to stress, and increasing serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters associated with well-being.

According to a 2018 study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, oncology massage—massage specifically adapted to the needs of cancer patients—can also help manage side effects of treatment such as fatigue, neuropathy, and muscle pain from radiation or chemotherapy .

Soma FlowTM: Integrative Healing for Mind, Body, Heart, and Soul

Soma FlowTM is an integrative mind-body healing modality that combines bodywork, energy healing, and emotional release techniques to create a holistic experience. With Soma FlowTM, you can integrate physical healing with emotional and energetic release, helping to process the fear, trauma, and sadness that often accompany cancer.

Emerging research shows that mind-body treatments, including integrative therapies like Soma FlowTM, can improve psychological outcomes for cancer patients. A 2020 study in Psycho-Oncology found that incorporating mind-body practices significantly improved emotional resilience and quality of life in breast cancer survivors.

This Month’s Specials

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we are offering three specials designed to help you heal and regain balance in your life:

Soma FlowTM Session - $97 (normally $349)
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This session fully integrates Mind, Body, Heart, and Soul healing into one fluid experience. Whether you’re dealing with the physical pain of treatment, the emotional weight of a diagnosis, or the fear of recurrence, Soma Flow can help you release that tension and step into a deeper state of healing.

Therapeutic Massage - $97 (Normally $140):
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Massage therapy can be a powerful ally in your healing journey. Radiation treatment can cause fibrosis or scar tissue that leads to pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. Massage has been shown to reduce this discomfort and improve mobility. In a 2019 study, women who received therapeutic massage reported significant reductions in radiation-induced muscle pain and improvements in range of motion .

Cranial Sacral Therapy - $59
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Cranial Sacral Therapy is a gentle, non-invasive therapy that releases tension in the body, especially around the central nervous system, which can be helpful in reducing pain, stress, and emotional blockages. For breast cancer patients and survivors, this therapy can alleviate symptoms like headaches, neck and back pain, and emotional distress.

A 2018 study published in The Journal of Clinical Oncology suggests that cranial sacral therapy can significantly reduce anxiety and improve mood in cancer survivors, helping them find balance during and after their treatment.

Supporting Your Journey

This October, we honor those of you who have just received a diagnosis, those who are in the middle of treatment, and those who continue to fight the mental and emotional battle long after treatment ends. The fear of recurrence is real, and it’s something that often goes unspoken. But healing is not just about getting the “all-clear”—it’s about addressing the trauma that cancer leaves behind.

If you are looking for support in your journey, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, these specials are for you. Let us help you heal—inside and out.

The Soma Flow Healing Library is on sale now. Ā Access a powerful library of meditations, self-hypnosis andĀ other powerful processes to use on your journey to wellness.

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